You have worked hard to build your brand. Becoming a trusted essential oil company for thousands of consumers required to research, capital investment, and many sleepless nights. But just because you've achieved success doesn't mean you can start to deviate. Innovating and getting into the latest trends will keep you at the forefront. Packaging Essential oil boxes Essential oils are currently an $ 18 billion industry and on track to grow to $ 33 billion by 2027. Oils are making their way into myriad and varied products, from ointments to lotions, foods, and cosmetics. Truth be told, the oils themselves are only one part of your operation. Your custom printed essential oil packaging boxes and labels should speak as loudly as your products. Essential Oil Packaging Trends Take a look at what's happening with packaging trends across multiple industries, not just essential oils. These are some of the biggest packaging trends in 2020. Personalized Packaging: People want to feel...
Showing posts from June, 2021